
Aortic valve surgery is a complicated medical procedure. You will need to take specific medications and do regular follow-up in order to fully recover. You may require blood thinners depending on the type of valve implanted. This is to prevent blood clots from forming. You will soon be able to resume your normal physical activity and work schedule.

Your doctor may also suggest lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking and a healthy diet. This will help to prevent any potential complications.

To speed up your recovery, your doctor may recommend cardiac rehabilitation. Cardiac rehabilitation is a medically monitored program that includes counseling, training for heart-healthy exercise, information about lifestyle changes and risk factors, and strategies to manage stress in your daily life. Cardiac rehabilitation will improve your cardiovascular health over the long-term and help reduce your chances of having a heart attack, heart disease, or other complications.

Precautions to be taken

  • Respect your doctor’s instructions and take the prescribed medications as directed
  • A healthy diet can help speed up your recovery.
  • You can avoid falling off the wagon by planning your meals.
  • You should take your time during the recovery period and gradually increase your activity.
  • Before you engage in any strenuous activity, make sure to consult your doctor.
  • After consulting with your doctor, you should include moderate exercise of no less than 150 minutes per week.


Every valve patient deserves a heart team approach and opinion.

We are here as a team of eminent cardiologist and cardiac surgeons well experienced in treatment of Valve disorder patients.

Our main moto is to provide advanced care to every valve patient after an opinion of 3 cardiologist, 2 cardiac surgeons, cardiac anaesthetist and TAVI specialist

Our spectrum of treatment includes

  • Valve replacement surgery
  • Mitra clips
  • Tricuspid valve implantation
  • Tricvalve implantation


With the current advances in valve replacement therapy it is our goal to provide the latest technology to the patients and give them the joy with ease of treatment.